Title - Policy, People, and Ninja Warriors!
In this episode we're gonna
cover cloud impacts on insider threat, some ways to reduce insider risk, NINJIO
Security Awareness, and more! Don't touch that dial!
o Welcome back! This is episode 3 of The Insider Threat podcast, for
the week of May 29th, 2017.
Quick Announcements Segment
o The continued feedback has been really great, especially those of
you in the Cybersecurity community on Reddit. The biggest complaint I've
received isn't even really a complaint, which is that the podiant website
doesn't have the ability to listen at 1.5 or 2x the speed over the web. I know
exactly what you guys are talking about. With something like 8 or 9 weekly podcasts
that I listen to in addition to this show, my job, and my fairly large family,
I have to do the same thing. There are only so many episodes that I can cram
into the time that I am washing the dishes after dinner. The only option there
is to listen through your favorite podcast app, so subscribe through iTunes,
Stitcher, Pocket Cast, the Google Play Store, Overcast, or whatever you use. If
you find that your app doesn't have the show available, please let me know and
I'll see what I can do about getting it added. Again, please continue to
listen, subscribe, rate, and review. I've gotten far more streams and downloads
than I thought possible with only 2 episodes out, which shows that there's a
real need for information on this topic.
o In addition, I ask that you guys send any insider threat stories
that you may have. I'll be sure to strip out any identifying details of course,
but it would be nice to have some real world examples of some of the things we
Infosec Question of the
o It's time for your Infosec Question of the Week, where Google is
king and the prize is nonexistent!
o The question last week was "How did notorious hacker Kevin
Mitnick know that federal agents were near his apartment?"
o The answer was that he compromised the local cellular network and
created an alert to let him know when the cell phones belonging to the agents
on his case communicated with the nearby cell tower. The hashtag was actually
relevant to the story, as the only thing that the agents found when they got to
his apartment was a box of donuts in the refrigerator labeled "FBI
o Congratulations to:
o Pooran from Mumbai, India
o Jake from Norwalk, Connecticut
o Alyssa from Flagstaff, Arizona
o Rich from Bedford, England
o I'm going to mess this up. My French is as nonexistent as the
prize… Rene'e from Chateauroux, France
o And Bernie from Chicago, Illinois for getting the correct answer.
o Here's your question for this week: In the early 1970s, John
Draper discovered that he could make free long distance calls by sending a
certain tone through the phone. What did he use and where did he get it?
o Send your response to InfosecAnswer@gmail.com. Be sure to include
your first name, location, and the hashtag "breakfast".
o The first article this week comes from Jessie Bur at MeriTalk and
it claims that cloud integration actually increases insider threat risk
o This conclusion was drawn from a recent survey, where 59% of
government employees that responded were concerned that migration to the cloud
makes it more difficult to keep track of malicious or negligent users.
o What I find really interesting about this idea is that many, if
not most, of the tools today for tracking user behavior are either solely in
the cloud or have the option to be implemented either in the cloud or on
premises. If the findings of this survey are true, would putting more
applications and services in the cloud only add to the problem or would it make
things easier? At some point we are going to have different cloud applications
and providers talking to each other in our environments and I'm afraid we will
completely lose control and oversight of what they are doing.
o This could become even worse, since President Trump is now pushing
the federal government even more forcefully into the cloud with the new
Cybersecurity executive order that was signed a few weeks ago. I'm not trying
to be political or anything like that, but the push for cloud integration is
strong. Vendors like Amazon, Microsoft, and others are making a good case for
organizations to migrate their applications and services into the cloud, and
those that don't might feel like they are falling behind when compared to their
competitors or peers.
o The more complex we make our environments, the more risk we have.
If we are adding complexity in order to minimize risk, that might be the wrong approach
and what got us in whatever situation we are in to begin with. When you add
more variables to the equation, the outcome will be harder to predict.
Insurance companies and war strategists have been studying this concept for a
really long time, so we have to assume that they are onto something.
o Our next article comes from Scott Matteson at Tech Republic and
lists 5 ways to reduce insider security risks
o Assess access needs and build policies to determine what rights
users and administrators should have, and adjust according to changes or new
This is generally known as
the concepts of least privilege and identity and access management, and it is a
really important thing to do in our organizations. We need to ensure that users
only have accesses and privileges needed for their current roles and this needs
to be reviewed very regularly to make sure we stay on top of it. Another way to
ensure this is being done is to integrate access review into onboarding and
termination processes, but it also needs to be triggered when an employee
changes roles. That is where most of us have the hardest time.
o IoT devices can place the organization at exceptional risk via
embedded credentials. Use analytics on these to determine normal behavior and
detect anomalies.
In addition to extra
oversight on these devices, we should also seriously consider network
segmentation. The recent widespread malware infestation that we've had speaks
to the fact that some organizations simply cannot get away from having
vulnerable or outdated devices and operating systems in their environments. The
best practice here is to isolate those devices so if they do become a problem,
at least they won't be able to serve as staging areas for accessing the rest of
the network devices.
o Use logging/alerting mechanisms to notify personnel about
suspected attacks as early as possible to reduce risk.
This one is key, especially
when it comes to insider threat. If we know that a phishing campaign or other
human hacking attempt is going on in our organizations, timely communication
with the user base might be the only thing that keeps you out of deep water. It
also shows the employees that information security is an important part of the
business as a whole and tells them that they are an integral part of the
o Use separate accounts for administrators to perform routine tasks
versus privileged operations.
I'm pretty sure this is
best practice no matter where you go. There is no reason that I can think of
for a system, network, or security administrator to be able to access the
internet or email with their privileged accounts. Doing so greatly increases
the threat landscape because if one of those accounts got compromised,
attackers get the keys to the kingdom. On top of that, those accounts generally
get around security controls by default, so something as simple as a malicious
advertisement loading on a screen could allow the code to run as administrator
and have a higher likelihood of success.
o Background checks may provide some protection from malicious
insiders (provided they have been caught in the past), but should not be seen
as the end-all solution. Individuals with clean records can still be victimized
via compromised accounts.
This last risk reduction
tip is interesting, and I suspect it is something that is not universally done
and in my mind there are different approaches. While discovery of some past
crimes should probably deny employment altogether, some others might not fall
into that boat. There are several successful information security professionals
and consultants today that have a dark history, yet they have been able to move
on to very successful and upright careers in our industry. Maybe the best route
to take would be to weigh each case independently and if there is any suspicion
about a particular person applying for a job, their access can be tightened and
we can keep a closer eye on their behavior. Instead of being a binary yes or no
for hiring, we can use that information as we tailor our monitoring strategy.
o The next article comes from James Graves at ZoneFox.com and
centers on the importance of good policy when it comes to insider threat
o Security policy in general is viewed differently depending on who
you ask. For this article, the author is specifically highlighting the need for
an Insider Threat Policy.
o So with this one, we talk about different important steps or tips
for having an effective Insider Threat Policy.
o The first one is defining the threat, as well as defining the
Now this seems like a
no-brainer, especially because we have a good idea of what the threat is - we
know that insiders either intentionally or unintentionally do things that
increase risk. That isn't as easy to detail on paper though. An added note is
that by taking the time to write or type out the definition of the threat for
this policy, you get the added benefit of ensuring that you and everyone else
in the organization has a standardized idea of what the insider threat is. You
are identifying the problem in a public way, which will drastically help in the
next step, which will be to find ways to solve that problem or at least
minimize its impact on the organization.
o Now we get to the meat of the policy, which is spelling out the
actual rules when it comes to insider threat. The next tip will help with that,
since it tells you that you have probably already done some of the work through
your other policy or training.
You can look at places like
the acceptable use policy, mobile device policy, access control policy, and so
on. None of this has to be created on the spot, since it has likely been
covered in other places in more detail. Another quick tip from me, and this
goes for writing any security policy, is that you shouldn't be so detailed in
these policy statements that you have to modify more than one policy when a
single change is made. Instead of copying and pasting policy language from one
document to the other, you can simply give an overview of the other policy and
direct employees to look there for the details. These callouts for other
documents will save you an incredible amount of time later.
o The next tip says that with context comes clarity.
There is a sentence from
this article that I feel needs to be quoted. It says, "Security policies,
and therefore insider threat policies, are not created for the benefit of the
cybersecurity team, they are created for the benefit of the organization as a
whole, and anyone in it."
That is huge and this idea
should ring through all the policy you write. If you are able to communicate to
the readers that the rules outlined in the policy aren't just some requirements
from the security team, but instead that they are meant for everyone to be
successful, that will help them to see the importance more clearly. Tell them how
insider threat impacts not only their job as a whole, but their success in
accomplishing the key components of their job.
o People will sometimes intentionally or unintentionally do things
that they shouldn't. We are all human. This next tip, enforcing the policy with
technology, is one way to either ensure that doesn't happen or give you the
capability to discover and respond when it does.
On top of your policy and
various training programs, many organizations see the need to compensate their
program with tools. When it comes to insider threat, the common technology used
is user behavior analytics.
Last week we spoke about
Observe IT and their product that allows administrators to monitor user
behavior and identify abnormalities. Think of this as the door locks and alarm
systems of your home. Even though we have laws and cultural norms that dissuade
people from breaking and entering while you are away or asleep, you need to
have physical and technical barriers to keep people out that have chosen to
disregard the law and morality in general. User behavior analytics solutions
are a good way to do that for insider threat.
When you highlight these
technologies in your policy, it lets the people in your organization know that
although we expect them to do the right thing, we are actively inspecting what
we expect.
o Lastly, we have to integrate the policy compliance with the
existing business compliance strategy. In order for policy to be effective, it
must have teeth. I've heard it said that policy without teeth is just words on
a page.
If someone performs an act
or exhibits a behavior that does not align with the policy, there has to be a
way to reprimand or otherwise punish them. This serves as a deterrence just as
much as it does a consequence. Aside from moral reasons, a major deterrence for
breaking into a house is the knowledge that I will get in trouble if I get
caught. If you are implementing a tool effectively, as mentioned in the last
tip, they already know that they will probably get caught.
Aligning insider threat
policy enforcement with the more traditional enforcement strategy that the
organization uses will make it easier to accomplish if an incident arises, and
it also gives employees a mental reference point for unacceptable behavior.
They can expect similar consequences for punching their boss in the face as
they would violating a key security policy.
o One thing I would add to this list is something that I stress for
all security policy, which is management support. When the executives are on
your side, that means they understand the impacts of information security risk
and its relationship to business risk. That is language they speak regularly,
and they will probably do so very often. When the boss cares about it, everyone
under them has no choice but to care as well.
o Not a sponsor of the show
o From their website - NINJIO attacks end user Security Awareness in
a different way. We don’t lecture your
users. We entertain and educate them by
telling stories about real life security breaches that have happened to real
life companies. We do this using 3-4
minute long animated and gamified Episodes written by Hollywood writers, and we
focus on one teachable moment around one specific type of attack. A new Episode is released every 30 days, so
your users will never see the same Episode twice. It’s like “drip marketing” for Security
o How it works is they create user accounts for your organization's
employees in their online learning management system. Every 30 days they send
emails to your employees letting them know that a new lesson is available, then
they complete the video or lesson and get placed on a leaderboard for your
organization. The lessons are specifically tailored to address current threats
around the world.
o They have different deployment options available as well.
o I have been very excited about NINJIO for quite some time. I've
chatted with their CEO once or twice and I really like the approach they're
taking to help solve the insider threat problem.
o They have a few samples of the videos available on their website,
and I strongly suggest that you go check 'em out. Even if you don't think you
have a problem with your existing awareness program, it helps to see how others
are finding creative ways to communicate the information. They're pretty
entertaining, too.
o If you decide that you want to know more about their product, let
them know. Everyone I've been in contact with at NINJIO has been really helpful
and responsive.
o I've left a link to their website, as well as the articles covered
in this episode in the show notes.
Thought of the Week Segment
o Now it is time for our thought of the week. This one comes from
Douglas Horton, who said "The art of simplicity is a puzzle of
o Thank you for listening to episode 3 of The Insider Threat
podcast. Please remember to review and subscribe in your favorite podcast app,
and also share with everyone you know! Those reviews are key to building this
out and improving for later episodes, so please feel free to leave suggestions
and constructive criticism.
o You can contact me on twitter @stevehigdon or email me at
o Thanks again and I'll see you folks next time!
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